Friday, May 4, 2007

Learning about Identity Theft

Learning about Identity Theft

Learning about identity theft is one of the most important things you will do in your lifetime, since millions fall victim each year. If you have fallen victim of identity theft, the time to come to blows is now. If you are not a casualty of identity theft, do not take any risks, in view of the fact that it is nearly impossible to reinstate your life once a thief takes hold of your identity.

Identity thieves will embezzle, by lying, studying, or tracing your identity everyplace in the world, while the majority will utilize the World Wide Web to take advantage of millions of individuals. In view of the fact that technology has urbanized, it does not stop the thieves. Thus, technology has made it convenient for the identity thieves to gain access to thousands of pieces of information daily.

Thieves are intelligent, and will work harder than technology and the law to stay on top of any situation. Criminals often study forensics, technology, law, and other subjects to stay alert and practice new modus operandi that will get their foot in the doors. Thus, they often learn new information to prevent the law from capturing them. Thus, the World Wide Web has opened the door for the perfect crimes to take place.

When a person reports identity theft, the law may search for the perpetrator but it could take years for the party to show up, while in other cases the perpetrator is never caught. If the thief was acted on the Internet, thus it is difficult to find evidence linking anyone to a crime. The federal government will often set up tactics to catch child molesters or other types of predators and may succeed, but identities thieves differ slightly from any type of criminal you will ever hear about.

Identity thieves frequent the World Wide Web, gas stations, department stores, grocery stores, police stations, doctor offices, homes, govern offices, and so forth. Criminals are often high-tech in engineering the perfect crimes. Therefore, no one should be trusted with your information. Studies have shown that few identity theft victims became victim of the crime by perpetrators closest to them. For example, few crimes were committed by friends, family members, or spouses. Thus, no one is trustworthy nowadays, since anyone can pose the threat of stealing your identity.

If you fall victim of identity theft you should immediately learn the steps to report the crime and continuing monitor your life and activities daily. Few identity thieves have committed crimes, which later the victim was arrested for the crime. Other thieves have filed bankruptcy, or else leased apartments, left and the blame was placed on the victim. Therefore, fighting without ceasing is important since your life is at stake.

If you are not convinced now that identity theft could fall on you, think of the accounts were victims were arrested for murder, spent time in prison and later the law found that the persons identity was stolen, used to commit a crime, and then destroyed. The courts are backwards, just as the law is backwards, since everyone going to court is often ‘guilty until proven innocent.’ They may claim that every one is innocent until proven guilty, but actions speak louder than words.

Fighting identity theft, includes reporting the incident immediately to the authorities, contacting the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), credit bureaus, creditors, license bureau, social security administration, and so forth. Once you file the reports, you will need to keep notes, records, statements, receipts, and other information pertaining to your life.

Victims of identity theft should not expect a miracle overnight, since it will not happen. Few victims that contact the authorities rarely hear from them again once the report is filed. Thus, you are standing in a world alone with many victims; therefore, it is up to you to continue fighting and searching for the solution to stop the criminal from utilizing your identity further. Make sure that you monitor your credit reports ongoing and disputing any allegations made against you. If the reports come back with negative remarks against you, dispute the allegations again. Keep fighting!

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